Immunisations Out of Hours News

788-792 Whalley New Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 9BA

Tel: 01254 247 477

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Repeat Prescriptions

Important changes for ordering your prescriptions

Community pharmacies can no longer order medication on your behalf.

This is to ensure safe and responsible issuing of medication and to prevent unnecessary medicine waste.

Please note that your pharmacy can continue to collect and deliver your prescription once issued by the doctor.

Please speak to a receptionist for further information.

GP approved exceptions may apply for some patients.

Order Repeat Prescriptions

Patients can now order prescriptions over the telephone via the Prescribing Hub.  To access the Prescribing Hub, please ring 01254 247477 and select Option 2.  Prescriptions can be ordered Monday to Friday from 9.00am-5.00pm.  Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

Alternatively you can order your repeat prescriptions online.  New users are required to complete a simple registration prior to using the service, as a unique ID number is required in order to use this facility.  Unfortunately, under 16’s are not eligible to use the online prescription ordering service.



Early Prescriptions

In the event a prescription needs to be ordered earlier than the scheduled due date, a valid reason must be clearly stated on the prescription request otherwise it will not be processed.


Electronic Prescribing

If you would like your prescriptions electronically sent to the pharmacy of your choice then please ask for more details.


Repeat Dispensing Scheme

You can go on Repeat dispensing, which is where you get 6 months worth of prescriptions all at once. You take the batch to the chemist & simply pick them up from there every month, without having to re-order from us. (though you will need to re-order before the 6 months runs out and may need a review every 6 months or a year.) If you are stable on your medication, you may be eligible for this scheme. Please ask our receptionists for further details.


Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a clincian at least once a year to undergo a review.  Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.