Immunisations Out of Hours News

788-792 Whalley New Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 9BA

Tel: 01254 247 477

Contact and Branch Details


Book Appointments Online

The receptionist may ask you the reason for your appointment. You do not have to offer a reason but it does help to book your appointment with the most appropriate member of the clinical team.

Please refer to our Minor Ailments Policy for medication and self-treament of minor conditions.

If you require an urgent appointment you will be seen the same day by the GP.

Urgent appointments are not the time to request your repeat prescriptions.

It is advised you try and book your appointment in advance so that there is definite availability for the GP or nurse of your choice.

You can now book your routine doctors appointment online.  New users are required to complete a simple registration prior to using the service, as a unique ID number is needed in order to use this facility.  Please note, we ask that you provide us with some form of photographic identification e.g. passport, driving license etc. before any registration can be authorised.  Please ask at reception for more details regarding how to sign up to Patient Access. Unfortunately, under 16’s are not eligible to use the online appointment booking service. 


Blackburn with Darwen's Local Primary Care GP Federation GP Extended Access

Brownhill Surgery is a member of Blackburn with Darwen's Local Primary Care GP federation. Local Primary Care federation runs a GP extended access service that provides additional appointments at four neighbourhood Spoke surgeries being Darwen Healthcare, Family Practice in Barbara Castle Way Health Centre, Cornerstone Practice Surgery and Little Harwood. Patients can be booked into one of the four Spoke surgeries via the practice receptionists accordingly. Outside of surgery opening hours, you can access an urgent appointment at the Spokes by ringing 111. Please contact our reception for more information.


Practice Nurses

Nurses based at our practice treat patients for a wide range of common conditions (e.g. travel vaccinations, immunisations, smears, childhood immunisations etc.). Our practice nurses are also specially trained to run routine clinics for certain conditions, such as diabetes, COPD and heart disease.

Our reception staff will be able to advise whether a nurse appointment is appropriate for you. They may ask you in what nature your appointment is for, you do not have to give a reason if you feel it is personal but they ask to help book your appointment with the most appropriate member of the clinical team.

Our nurses tend to get fully booked quite quickly, especially the early morning appointments so it is worth booking up to a week in advance for any practice nurse appointments.


Speaking to Clinical Staff

If you have been asked to ring the surgery to speak to a member of the clinical team, please ring between 11:45 and 12:15.


Treatment Room

This facility is available at Barbara Castle Way Health Centre by appointment for many tasks including, ear syringing and wound dressings.  You need a referral form from a clinical member of staff to attend treatment room.



If you have been referred for an X-ray no appointment is needed.  Please ask at reception for the times available for X-ray.



If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.